Dental Information (COHAT)

Below is our basic Comprehensive Oral Radiographic Evaluation Procedure Pricing

This price includes whole mouth x-rays, cleaning, polishing, charting and evaluation of each individual tooth, IV catheter and fluids, and a hospital stay for the day. *This price is subject to change. We are happy to provide a written estimate tailored to your pet’s individual needs.



  • Exam fee
  • Pre-Anesthetic Bloodwork
  • There may also be additional charges if your pet’s cleaning requires more involved periodontal therapy and root planing, any extractions (depending on the severity and time required), a local nerve block, oral surgery or gingival therapy, suturing extraction sites, an antibiotic injection, and any medications to go home.


Why do we recommend putting your pet under general anesthesia for a dental procedure VS anesthesia-free teeth cleaning?

Anesthesia-free teeth cleanings do not allow for cleaning under the gumline, which is where periodontal disease is most active. Without proper cleaning under the gums, the disease will continue to progress undetected. This can allow for chronic pain and loose or lost teeth. Teeth that have been scaled and not polished allow for prime bacterial breeding grounds, which worsens dental disease in the long run. It is difficult to diagnose periodontal disease in an awake patient until it is advanced. Under anesthesia, a thorough tooth by tooth exam, probing of the teeth, and full mouth dental x-rays help to diagnose periodontal disease, as well as broken teeth or oral tumors. Anesthesia-free teeth cleanings require your pet to be restrained while the tartar is removed, which can be stressful or painful for your pet. We have also included a website for reference with additional information on anesthesia-free teeth cleanings.

What are the signs of dental disease?
All pets react differently to dental disease and/or dental discomfort. Some signs include, but are not limited to: teeth chattering, decrease in appetite and/or decrease in desire to eat dry food or hard treats/chews, bad breath, drooling, inflammation of the gums, obsessive licking, pain or discomfort in their face, and tartar/calculus on their teeth.
Why is it important to perform routine dental evaluations?
Some pets do not display any symptoms, even with advanced dental disease. Therefore, having your pet’s teeth evaluated yearly can help to monitor the tartar build-up and gingivitis. By monitoring the accumulation of tartar on your pet’s teeth, we can hope to avoid lengthy dental procedures, difficult extractions, periodontal disease and halitosis.
What are the potential health risks of dental disease?

Not only does the dental disease affect your pet’s mouth, but untreated dental disease can lead to further health risks. These health risks can include: cardiac disease, liver and kidney disease, weight loss, stimulation of the immune system to attack healthy gum tissue (thus worsening dental disease), bone loss in the oral cavity and surrounding teeth, fractures in the weakening jaw bone, bone infections, blood infections, diabetes, and fistulas (holes) from the oral cavity into the nasal passages. We have included a website with additional information on dental and periodontal disease.

What are some risks of general anesthesia?
Each pet reacts differently to general anesthesia, and each pet is individually evaluated prior to developing every anesthetic protocol. There is a veterinary technician dedicated to monitoring your pet through the entire procedure, from pre-operative to post-operative. We also recommend a complete blood panel prior to anesthesia. This blood panel tests vital organ function and performs a complete blood count. Evaluating these important factors prior to anesthetizing your pet can help ensure vital organs can withstand the anesthesia, adequate red and white blood cells are present, detect whether infection is evident, and may determine whether we adjust the anesthetic protocol or postpone the procedure.
What do you do if you are concerned about your pet’s current oral health?
Call our office to set up an appointment with a veterinarian to evaluate your pet’s oral health status. If you are considering having a dental procedure performed on your pet, this can be discussed at the appointment as well.

We’re here when you need us!


El Gato Veterinary Hospital
15748 Los Gatos Blvd.
Los Gatos, CA 95032


Call or Text: 408-356-2181
Fax: 408-356-5790

Email: [email protected]

For 24 hour emergency services, please visit MedVet Campbell (408) 371-6252.


Temporary Hours of Operation

M-F: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed