…skilled service…compassionate care
Thank you for your patience
We know that some of you have had to wait past your scheduled appointment times or were not able to be seen the day you wished and that is disappointing to us too. Please know we are aware of these issues and are working very hard to fill our gaps and get back on track. Thank you for your patience and if you have questions or concerns, please send us an email at contactus@elgatovet.com. We appreciate your feedback and we especially appreciate you and your pets.
Holiday Planning For Your Pets and Holiday Dates
Protect Your Pets
Give Pets Their Space – be sure your pet has her own save space to get away from fun and festivities.
Guests – Guests who love your pets can cause problems if your pet feels overwhelmed. The most well-mannered pet can bolt if stressed. Also, remind your guests to secure their medications / food / candy / gum and watch exits.
Tree / Plant Safety – If your celebrations include a tree or other plants in the home, be sure your pets can’t get to the plant’s water supplies. These can contain fertilizers and toxins. Pets can become entangled in lights or chew on cords resulting in electrocution. Also, lilies can cause kidney failure in cats; mistletoe can cause gastrointestinal upset or even cardiovascular problems.
Candles – Candles should never be left unattended or any place a pet might get near. Protect your pet from fire or burns.
Festive Food and Drink – Do not give pets anything other than their normal food. Protect from fatty foods, bones that splinter and secure your trash. Never give chocolate or alcoholic beverages which may cause vomiting, diarrhea, abnormal heart rates, seizures and even death.
Several December Religious Holidays
Dec. 7: Geeta Jayanti Festival – Hindu
Dec. 8: Rohatsu (Bodhi Day) Celebrates Buddha’s decision and vow to sit under the Bodhi tree until he reached spiritual enlightenment. – Buddhist
Dec. 21: Solstice – believers celebrate the winter-born king, symbolized by the rebirth of the sun – Wica/Pagan
Dec. 22 – Dec. 30: Hanukkah – Festival of Lights commemorates the red-dedication of the Temple in Jerusalem; celebrates the triumph of light over darkness. – Jewish
Dec. 25: Christmas – celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ – Christian
Dec. 26 – Jan 1: Kwanzaa – celebrates the African communities, values, families and ancestors. Pan- African
Dec. 31: Watch Night (end of year) – Interfaith
Traveling over the holidays?
El Gato will be open from half day (8-12) on Dec. 24, closed Christmas Day, December 25, 2019, and re-open Dec. 26. We will be open half day (8-12) Dec. 31 but closed Jan 1, re-opening on Jan 2. If you plan a trip that includes your pet, please be sure to request prescription refills or food purchases well in advance of when you leave. Also, if you require pet travel health certificates, please schedule an appointment.
California Wildfire Assistance Needed
It was just one year ago that we shared the picture of Dr. Bibb assisting in the search for victims of the Butte County fires as part of the Santa Clara County Search and Rescue Team. You responded generously to help the animal victims of that devastation. Again, this year we have seen the Kincaid fires in Sonoma County and again pets and people are in need of help. Here are a few agencies and their needs. Sonoma County Humane Society – https://shsoc.ejoinme.org/donate. Sonoma County Animal Response Team – https://www.sonomacart.org/donate. The Marin Humane Society. https://secure3.convio.net/marin/site/Donation2;jsessionid=00000000.app340a?1400.donation=form1&df_id=1400&mfc_pref=T&NONCE_TOKEN=D79EC9906CEB05ED74CC471ABF8C3A9D. Groups need cash and goods so for a list of those needs, please visit https://www.kqed.org/news/11783373/how-to-help-animals-affected-by-the-kincade-fire#needs.
Second Harvest Food Bank
Once again, El Gato is supporting the Second Harvest Food Bank to help feed the hungry in our community. Please donate non-perishable foods such as canned meats, canned vegetables, soups, dry cereals, grains and noodles, and please put your donation in the barrel in our lobby. We know the recipients will be very grateful for your generosity. To help promote the spirit of giving, you will receive a free nail trim with a donation of ten items, so please help people in need and donate today.
Kodi’s Kolumn! by Kodiak (Kodi) Bibb – Head K-9 in charge! (That’s me on the right!)
Fleas in December?
This is just a reminder that although we might be heading for some cold weather, it doesn’t get cold enough here to eliminate fleas. Yet everyone relaxes with their flea control and we see an increase in flea allergic dermatitis in winter. Please be vigilant with your pet’s flea control.

Interesting Facts
• Dewey Decimal Classification System – Dec. 10 The most widely used library classification system has been in use since its development in 1876.
• Winter Solstice, occurring annually between Dec. 20 and Dec. 23, is the shortest day and longest night of the year.
• The National Chanukah Menorah will be lit on Dec. 22, 2019 in Washington, D.C. This was first lit in 1979 by President Jimmy Carter.
• Reindeer are associated with having bells on their harnesses because migrating ethnic Sami or Alpine herders used the sound to follow each other’s sledges in a caravan after daylight ended.
• Some reindeer really do have red noses! This is a result of densely packed blood vessels near the skin’s surface!
As we come to the close of another year, we want to thank all of our great clients and their wonderful pets for choosing El Gato to meet their pets’ veterinary health needs. Have a wonderful time sharing it with your 2-legged and 4-legged family.